
Lodge Location:



Enjoy a photo tour of the Freemason's Hall and Downtown Victoria - Click and drag with your mouse!

Click the upper right "Four-Arrow" symbol on the photo for a full-screen view!

Lodge Main Contact:

Please contact the Lodge Secretary for enquiries about Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1. For membership enquiries, please use the Candidate Contact Form link on the "Becoming A Freemason" page on this site.

Email: secretary@victoriacolumbia.ca

Mailing address:

Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1
650 Fisgard Street
Victoria, British Columbia
V8W 1R6

  • Victoria-Columbia Lodge No. 1 meets the first Thursday of every month, including July and August.

  • Regular tyling at 1930 hours (7:30 PM). Masonic visitors are always welcome! If visiting, please contact the Lodge Secretary to confirm tyling time.

  • The Lodge normally hosts a Festive Board prior & after regular meetings. The pre-Lodge Festive Board is a delicious supper arranged by the Jr Warden, while all enjoy indulgent desserts and continuing camaraderie during the post-Lodge event! Masonic visitors are especially encouraged to share Victoria-Columbia No.1's legendary Festive Board fellowship! Men (Candidates) who have not yet become Freemasons and are considering joining the craft are also welcome. All that it takes is to either know, and be invited by an existing Victoria-Columbia member, or contact the Lodge Secretary and he'll arrange for a member to extend the invitation!

  • First-time masonic visitors to Victoria-Columbia No.1 should always come either with a Freemason known to the Lodge who can vouch for their status, or be prepared to present their credentials (and allow sufficient time for an examination, if deemed neccessary).

Fellowship Every Lodge Evening

"After most lodge meetings in this jurisdiction are ended, the officers and brethren will retire to the banquet room for what is often referred to as the Festive Board. This gathering is opened with a prayer, conducted with certain toasts, and closed with the Tyler’s Toast"

Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon